Cancer Walk
I attended a cancer walk in memory of those who survived and lost their lives to the disease. This was the first of the annual walks held at the Velodrome in Bellville, Cape Town.
I was overwhelmed at first with the multitude of women who attended, especially how brave they were, to be honest, I expected a very different type of atmosphere, not as positive or cheerful as it was.
As the daughter of a cancer survivor, I know what it feels like not to be able to do anything for the person you love so much, and offer nothing but support, wishing you could trade places.

Mom with her friend Rose
However, I can honestly say that I have the strongest mother I know - and God's grace is what carries her, with her smiles, her strength an her strong faith she is a survivor.

Cancer does not only affect those around us. We are all affected by it somehow. It is our responsibility to create awareness and make a difference. Lets continue to think of those who are living with - are healed from- or who lost their lives to this undiscriminating disease.
I was overwhelmed at first with the multitude of women who attended, especially how brave they were, to be honest, I expected a very different type of atmosphere, not as positive or cheerful as it was.
As the daughter of a cancer survivor, I know what it feels like not to be able to do anything for the person you love so much, and offer nothing but support, wishing you could trade places.

Mom and the other survivors

Mom with her friend Rose
However, I can honestly say that I have the strongest mother I know - and God's grace is what carries her, with her smiles, her strength an her strong faith she is a survivor.
The Venue
The event hosted 42 teams of entrants with an average of 50 people per team. For the first of it's kind, I think its phenominal!!
Cute Stalls
Each team represented some sort of cancer - be it prostate, breast of bone cancer, and created their own stall with images creating awareness of the disease.
One of the stalls
Dress up fun!
I loved the dress up theme. Each team could decide whether they wanted to dress up and what their them was. I loved it!

The Walk
The walk started and a huge banner was held celebrating the survivors. So much spirit! So much bravery! So powerful!
My friend Mercia another survivor, with her beautiful smile
In loving memory
What really captured me was the walk in memory of the people who lost their battle, accompanied by a group of bagpipers. It made me very emotional, and thankful that I am still able to enjoy life with my loved ones.
Walk with candles accompanies by bagpipes
Celebrate the survivors
Each survivor was treated to a T-shirt, a sash (yes, a princess sash) a goodie bag and a dinner. We should have more initiatives like this!!! And most of the event was sponsored! YES! Sponsored!!
One of the event arrangers - Rudy van Heerden mentioned that they relied on, and was very thankful for sponsorships and would love to continue this amazing initiative. If you would like to get involved and provide support and sponsorhip, please email -
What an amazing evening. I thank God every day for the gift of life, health and family.
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