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Interesting piece by Harpers Bazaar!!

10 Style Moments Best Reserved for Twentysomethings

While there's always exceptions to the rules, these fashion and beauty looks are better left to the under 30 set...
1) Belly-baring tops: While crop tops have been trending the past few season, wearing an abbreviated top with your navel exposed is a post collegiate right of way.
2) Wearing tops with no bra: Who else would take a cue from Rihanna?
3) Jeans everyday to work: Especially when working in a creative enviornment, wearing a suit just doesn't feel right—until one day it does.
4) Hot shorts: This cheeky look is only for a girl under a certain age, lest you look like you're employed at a roller rink.
5) Hot pink or orange lipstick: You run the risk of looking garish unless you're a fresh-faced twentysomething.
6) No makeup to work: The fountain of youth is the best beauty elixir.

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7) Sneakers with a sundress: This feminine and sporty combination is an easy runaround look in your 20s.
8) Overalls: The children's staple is having a comeback, adults need not apply.
9) Micro mini skirts: Showing some serious leg has a time out factor in life.
10) Hair past your bra line: See above


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